I was very excited about this one. Very excited indeed. and parts of this book satisfied my excitement immensely. But, blimey, there are a lot of parts to this book.
When I was introduced to Zanna and Deeba and at the start of this journey, I was grinning at the prospect of these two young heroines, surly school girls plucked from a rather grotty part of north west London, to take on the seemingly impossible challenge of saving the abcity of UnLondon from the all-consuming Smog. What better heroine than a slightly chavvy ass-kicking one? No better in my opinion.
Every time there was a bit of a lull in the action (and there were many times), the author threw in some of the most fantastic imagery I've ever come across in a book. The whole concept of 'moil' - abandoned junk left on the side of the pavement that seeps through to the abcity, the world's most adventurous abseiling librarians, and my personal favourite, the properly terrifying, holy-shizzle-can-I-sleep-with-the-night-light-on-please? Black Windows. I won't go into details, but if you have a phobia of spiders AND double glazing, then you might want to grab your comfort blanket and a vat full of chocolate when you get to that particular bit... And alcohol. I have to admit, I kept drifting away from the plot, but then every time a November Tree or a rabid giraffe cropped up, I wanted to kiss the pages and fall in love with it all over again.
HOWEVER, a constant stream of gorgeous, original ideas is all very well, but I needed something to hang them on and on the whole, this story just didn't match up. When there was talk of a set of god-knows-how many challenges to overcome, my heart sank into my feet, and the constant influx of characters, good and bad, had mixed results. The most fully rounded, Hemi the half-ghost, was a bit of a god send, adding a much needed bit of ironic life to proceedings, but confusing baddies on top of more confusing baddies, cropping up at random times had the result of them being not in the slightest bit scary or interesting. And, unfortunately, the same can be said about the Smog. A great idea, but not a particularly petrifying one and the battle to finish it off for good just felt a bit easy and inevitable.
So, a mixed bag indeed, but this is just my opinion and I know there are many readers who will adore this and justifiably so. With ideas this strong and a central character who comes good in the end (in battle as well as in personality stakes), this is clever, clever, clever with an added high-kicking dustbin's worth of originality. If I was was to use a boy metaphor, which I shall, you can appreciate and recognise all his flaws, but he has enough charming, persuasive words to keep you hooked and lingering in your memory when it all goes tits up.
Can boy metaphors be used for all books from now on?
I totally love this book, but I agree with so many of the points you made. He does often sacrifice (in my opinion) characterization and plot for highly imaginative descriptions of things and places. Sometimes it's enough for me and sometimes it isn't. He also has books with far more developed characters and plots and less...enthusiastic/hectic setting descriptions. I think he's really honed his craft as he's gone on.
ReplyDeleteIn boy metaphor terms...while the earlier books are adorably enthusiastic and energetic (and sure to give you a fun time) the later books are more mature and focused and they now realize that it's about quality, not quantity. ;)
you will have to recommend some more of his books to me, because the more I read about him, the more intrigued I am - found out he ran for parliament!
DeleteI feel we can use boy metaphors for books.
ReplyDeleteThis book sounds really interesting, I had no idea what it was about when you were telling me about it though. It makes slightly more sense now. I do lose a lot of patience with fancypants writing though. I think I am very much a plot kind of girl.
Brill review, Anna, I'll keep an eye out for this. :)
Yep, a bit too much fancy pants ideas, but very clever. Want to read some more of his though
DeleteWhat a shame that this book didn't quite reach your expectations! I wanted to read it but I'd just finished Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman and I'd heard the two books were very similar. So I sent the book off to a friend to read and review for me and she didn't make it all the way to the end... Shame.
ReplyDeleteI read about the comparisions with Neverwhere, but having never read that one, I can't really judge. This is definitely worth a read though - it's packed full of some very interesting ideas.