I do apologise. That was a very long-winded way of starting a review.
Anyway, this was one of those books that I kept reading until about two in the morning. Which I wasn't expecting in the slightest when I first started it. On the face of it, this has very similar elements to a lot of contemporary YA - death of a parent, trying to fit in with new surroundings, fancying the pants off seemingly unattainable bloke, you know the drill. I was expecting mild diversion rather than a full-on kindle-clutching fest.
But the writing really elevated this - Devan's voice is spot on. I'm always a bit sceptical when I know the main character is a shy and awkward type because so often this veers into annoying and self-pitying territory and I end up shouting 'GROW A PAIR!' at the book. Even though I use to be a shy and awkward teen myself. But I loved Devan - just the right balance of wariness and hidden determination. I was a bit worried about how a self-styled 'fashionista' and belter of show tunes could also be a bit of a mouse, but I guess it's testament to the quality of the writing that I ended up being utterly convinced by her. And the eponymous Reece Malcolm - another triumph of a very guarded woman trying to do her best in an unusual situation.
There were a few irritations, one being the love interest. He was alright, I suppose. And I'm always a fan of the expectation of the kissing, and there was a lot of that here. But he was just a bit too needy and whiny for my liking. And this brings me onto another conundrum - I'm never sure quite how much I like an author to describe a character's appearance, because I ended up getting a bit confused with this one - he's described by someone as like Disney's Aladdin - all good, but in my imagination, I had to tone down the hair somewhat. But then someone else says he has big hair. And now I'm all confused again. And then he's unexpectedly toned, but I had him pegged as lean because a T-shirt 'hangs on him like the shirt had fulfilled its sole mission in life.' In the end, I couldn't get the image of a tall but overly-muscle bound bouffanted boy out of my head. CONFUSION. Some things are best left to imagination.
But like I said before, for me, this was all about the realistic depiction of friendship and how much it means to teenagers. Muddled relationships are the way forward!
I really love your long-winded introduction to this review :) And I'm with you on loving muddled relationships!
ReplyDeleteWhat you talk about in your intro is so true, people we love can be the most annoying on occasions, but we still like them (and I'm sure they feel the same about us!)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you loved this, Devan was so well developed and Reece was such an interesting character, too.
I don't often take notice of descriptions of people, but these do sound contradictory.
I think my idea of this book sounds a bit like yours - before you read it. Now I'm seeing all these great reviews and thinking I really need to pick it up, because it sounds fantastic.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I just laughed out loud at the Aladdin with toned down hair description :)
I have heard so many good things about this one,I really must read it.
ReplyDeleteLOL at that last part. You don't find the idea of a beefcake Aladdin to be hot? Maybe you need to think about it a little more.
ReplyDeleteI felt much the same about this book. I liked it more than I was anticipating and also despite some aspects that I wasn't really a fan of.
As you know I have this sitting on my bookshelf, I think I'll definitely have to get to it soon! Fab review :)