About 18 months ago, we were very, very close to moving to Hillingdon in west London. It didn't happen in the end and I've never regretted so much as when I found out about
YA Shot. This is a day-long festival involving 71 Young Adult and Middle Grade authors participating in talks and workshops across Uxbridge on 28th October 2015, with the event launching a year long series of author visits throughout the London Borough of Hillingdon.
Alas, I no longer live anywhere near Hillingdon and am absolutely gutted that I can't attend*. However, I
can do the next best thing and read some of the books by some of the authors involved in YA Shot. The lovely
Michelle over at Fluttering Butterflies has organised a YA Shot Readathon for the coming month leading up to the event and I've picked out 3 books that I'm going to devour and review before 28th October...
Banished by Liz de Jager

This one's been on my TBR list for a criminally long time, so I think this is the ideal opportunity to rectify that situation. I have a confession to make about YA fantasy - I don't read that much of it. Not because I don't want to, but more because these days, my reading tends to be done in short, sharp bursts and with fantasy novels, I feel like I have to have the space and time to completely immerse myself in that world. But I'm going to do my darndest to find that space and time for this book, I promise.
Bitter Sixteen by Stefan Mohamed

A book that I was absolutely convinced I'd already bought but after some investigation, it turned out I was mistaken, yet another situation I need to rectify. Anyway, I think I first heard about this one through following the publisher, Salt, on Twitter. I've always found their short story anthologies really interesting, so picking this one was a no brainer.
Monster by CJ Skuse

God, there's so much to get excited about with this book, I don't know where to begin. A boarding school, a mythical (or perhaps not so mythical) beast, people disappearing...unfortunately I can't afford to buy a copy until after pay day (I mean, who else has a pay day in the middle of the month?), but when I do
finally have some quids to spend, I'll be on it like a car bonnet.
I have my realistic spectacles on and I know it's very unlikely that I'll finish more than 3 books before October 28th, but I promise I shall review all of them as and when. Hopefully before then.
No, definitely.
*YA Shot attendance update! Since I started writing this post, I've realised that I might possibly be able to attend after all. So I'll see you there!
I hope I got a great chance to visit site like this. Best wishes and I will try to get this in future also because the work you have done here is excellent.